Sales Structure


Strategic Development of the Global Market

Strengthening Sales Functions to Increase Market Share

The Asahi Intecc Group currently sells products in more than 110 countries and regions around the world. The number of cases of intravascular diseases for which the Group’s products are used is expected to continue to grow on a global scale, particularly in emerging countries. Amid this backdrop, we will strengthen our earnings base on a global scale by further enhancing our sales and marketing functions in each region.

Expanding Product Sales by Strengthening the Direct Sales System

In the global market, we sell our main products directly, primarily in the United States and parts of Europe, and we have gained a high market share.
Going forward, we will continue building marketing and sales function systems to more quickly grasp the needs of doctors in clinical settings and the overall market, strive to expand sales, and improve quality of life (QOL) for patients all around the world — all while strengthening the global Asahi Brand.