R&D System


R&D Optimized for Global Growth

Technical collaboration between R&D sites in Japan and production bases overseas

The cycle of technologies in the medical device and industrial equipment fields and technical collaboration between R&D sites in Japan and overseas production bases are among the strengths that only the Asahi Intecc Group can deliver.
Our sites in Japan specialize in research, development, and prototypes, transferring mass production to consolidated subsidiaries overseas.
Our R&D system in Japan includes a newly constructed building on the premises of our Seto Factory, which is central to our research and development activities, establishing an R&D environment closer to clinical settings.
In addition, we are further strengthening our R&D capabilities, adding a new building to our Global Headquarters and R&D Center and Tokyo R&D Center, further enhancing our research and development system.

Collaboration between overseas production and R&D in Japan

We are globalizing our R&D system by establishing an R&D structure at our US consolidated subsidiary, Asahi Intecc USA, Inc. This will enable us to respond to local customer needs through the prototype development stage, directly reflecting the requests and opinions of the physicians who are our end customers.
We are also further expanding the R&D base at our consolidated subsidiary and plant in Thailand, Asahi Intecc Thailand Co., Ltd., to review product specifications in order to more actively improve existing products.

Supporting Medical Care by Developing Dependable Products

Building an R&D system that directly reflects the requests and opinions of physicians

In recent years, we have focused on strengthening our collaborative R&D system, working with top physicians in each medical area. This approach enables us to develop the products on which medical care depends. This integration is also a major factor that differentiates Asahi Intecc from our competitors in the medical device field. It allows us to continue supplying products that deliver a competitive advantage. In addition, we are establishing an R&D structure at Asahi Intecc USA, Inc., a consolidated subsidiary in the U.S., to respond to local customer needs through the prototype development stage, directly reflecting the requests and opinions of the physicians who are our end customers.

R&D Environment Focused on Four Core Technologies

As an R&D-oriented corporate group, Asahi Intecc has, since our founding, positioned research and development activities as a key management priority.
In addition to our four core technologies (wire drawing, wire forming, resin coating, and torque) and other highly sophisticated, proprietary material processing technologies, we have also established an integrated production system that covers every process from raw materials to finished product, enabling us to develop and manufacture products with unique materials and functionality.
We will continue to focus on R&D as we strive to develop one-and-only technologies and number-one products.